“Renewable Energy Company Uses Software-Defined LTE Network to Remotely Monitor SCADA” By Anna Jankowiak

Solution: NetCloud Service for IoT | Industry: Renewable Energy | Use Case: Remote Monitoring of Sensor Data
Challenge — While setting up a trial project that required data being communicated to a Cloud based server, this windfarm, based in Northern Ontario, ran into administrative restrictions due to the COVID-19 virus. An organizational freeze had restricted any firewall configuration and infrastructure changes for non-essential demands. In order to proceed with the project a different solution was needed.
Solution — For transporting wind turbine SCADA information to the Cloud, this North-American renewable energy company turned to Cradletyme for a solution. After carefully assessing their needs, Cradlepoint’s NetCloud Service was was deployed— with its extensive cloud functionality, SD-Perimeter technology, and IBR600 routers with built-in LTE.
Benefits — With LTE as the primary WAN link, this highly scalable solution keeps business-critical IoT information available and secure for remote monitoring at all times.
Renewable energy sources are playing a crucial role globally. Wind energy is currently the most developed renewable energy technology worldwide and large wind turbines (2–6 MW) are an economically viable alternative to traditional fossil-fuel energy.
Given the size and sometimes remote geographical locations of windfarms, condition monitoring can be challenging. These days, most wind turbines are integrated with a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system. The SCADA data contain information about every aspect of the wind turbine, from power output and wind speed to any errors registered within the system, including temperatures of bearings, lubricating oil, windings and vibration levels of drive train.
By keeping track of all parameters, the overall health of the turbine can be supervised. SCADA data may effectively be used to “tune” a wind farm, optimizing power output across many turbines in all conditions.
Unexpected malfunction of large and crucial components, can lead to excessive downtime and cost because of restricted geographical accessibility i.e. offshore locations, deserts, mountains etc. Even smaller issues and faults concerning auxiliary equipment, like pumps or fans, can cause expensive turbine downtime.
It is therefore integral that the SCADA information keeps moving at the rate of event occurrence to detect fault as early as possible. For this very purpose, consistent and secure connectivity is essential.
Depending on geographical location, SCADA data can be either transmitted by a) fiber-based connection, b) LTE-based broad band connectivity c) via expensive satellite connectivity solutions or d) a combination thereof.
While setting up a project that required data to be communicated to a Cloud based server, this windfarm ran into administrative issues due to the Covid-19 virus. Their pandemic response plan caused an organizational freeze restricting any IT configuration and infrastructure changes for non-essential demands. In order to proceed with the project, a work-around was needed. LTE-based broadband — emerged as the leading option for transporting business-critical wind turbine SCADA data. Some of the challenges that needed addressing were:
Information Security Options — Protecting IoT data from potential attacks was vital, but problematic due to the organizational freeze, restricting the creation of MPLS or IPsec tunnels.
Lean IT Team Trying to Manage Widespread IoT Network — With just one person, due to work-at-home protocol — and no networking specialists — the routers needed to be easy to install and configure. What’s more, the company was looking to set up this solution, including procurement, in two weeks time.
” Even after the installation, we were contacted on multiple occasions by Cradletyme’s sales and technical representatives to see if any help was required, which is nothing but an A+ in our books “
After carefully assessing their needs’ we at Cradletyme chose Cradlepoint’s IBR600 router with NetCloud Service for IoT, providing cloud-managed cellular connectivity and data security for its SCADA units, to ensure the safe, uninterrupted transport of mission-critical IoT information from wind turbine to control center.
The NetCloud Service includes edge computing, SD-Perimeter technology for overlay device-to-cloud security, and cloud configuration and troubleshooting, all delivered via an IoT router with built-in LTE.
Complete Separation of IoT Data from Corporate Network
Cradlepoint’s NetCloud Perimeter feature, powered by SD-Perimeter technology, enabled this company to set up a cost-effective private overlay network for the IoT data gathered from its SCADA units without reconfiguring subnets, IP addresses, and more.
Each invitation-only, zero trust network completely isolates and hides information being sent over the public Internet. Also, NetCloud Perimeter’s private IP space saved this energy company from having to purchase a new address for each router.
Fast & Easy to Deploy
With zero-touch router deployment through NetCloud Manager and the ability to set up a perimeter-secured overlay network in just a few minutes through NetCloud Perimeter, our client has a much more scalable edge solution as it continues to expand with new sites.
“The routers were easy to install and configure with the help of a screen sharing environment”.
Network Management & Troubleshooting from Anywhere
They can instantly and simultaneously push cellular configuration changes, as well as security updates and patches, to all of their SCADA sites — rather than the expensive and time-consuming option of sending an IT professional to each location every time a network adjustment is needed. With NetCloud Perimeter running on work-provided devices such as cell phones and tablets, operators can securely access files and applications remotely.
“The fact that I can log into the vibration monitoring hubs remotely, as if I was connected to the switch, is quite impressive and beneficial,” Anton, wind turbine technician.